Learning Linux

  • By Admin

What is Linux ?

Linux is an open source operating system (OS), open source refers to something that is free to use in the public market. While an Operating System is the software that specefically interacts with the system's hardware resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage. The Linux O.S is made up of three parts, the kernel, the shell, and the programs. The kernel is the main component hence the name kernel, which is the seed for a peanut. The kernel exists within the O.S and is responsible for controlling all functions whether major or minor. The shell is a program or software that lies between the user and the kernel, the shell is how the user interact with the kernel and thus interact with the systems resources or hardware. The interface that allows you to interact with the kernel is called a terminal or Command Line Interface.

All the best people in life seem to like LINUX

- Steve Wozniak

Different Linux Flavors

Just Like anything else in the world, they're multiple different flavors or distribution of Linux that have coomon key concepts, but have different utilitles or sizes in order to accomplish specefic goals.

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • red Hat
  • CentOs
  • Fedora
  • Alpine

Why Is Linux So Popular ?

Their are a plethora of reasons why linux is so popular in the enterprise world, for one Linux is open-source O.S. Open Source allows for it to be readily available to use and more importasntly to learn, second the open source aspects allow it to be customizable so that you can enhance certain features or remove some that are not needed. Linux includes many tools and applications which are used for web hosting, database servers, virtualization, etc. For example, tools like vagrant, allows a user to create multiple VM instances at once that all have the same configurations. Linux has multiple security features such as Users and groups, Permissions, Access Control list, Firewalls. These features deal with both authentication onto the system, and authorization once youve gained access in the system.

How to download applications in Linux

A Package Manager in Linux is how we install, download, delete, and upgrade applications in Linux. Debian based systems uses APT (advanced packet tracer), as its package manager. Fedora based systems uses yum as its package manager to install and manage software. A package manager also tracks the current software or packages that are already insalled in the system, so that you wont download duplicate versions of the same software and you will know exactly which version of the applciation is being used in your system.

Common Command Line Commands in Linux

  • ls: list contents and files in a Directory
  • cat: Show contents of a file
  • sudo: Allows user to run commands/interact with files as root user
  • touch: Create an empty file
  • mkdir: Creates an empty directory that can store files
  • chown Changes ownership of a file or directory



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    Caroline Caldwell

    July 08, 2021

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    James Copas

    July 08, 2021

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    Sherry Oliver

    July 08, 2021


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